Practicing responsibility

Protecting the climate through sustainable travel.

Would you also like to make your business trips more climate-friendly? We give you tips on how you can avoid, reduce and offset CO₂ emissions without raising your moral finger. Let's work together to find the right tools for responsible travel management in your company.

Small contribution. Great effect.

  1. Avoid
  2. Reduce
  3. Compensate

Avoiding CO₂ emissions is the top priority for effective climate protection. If this is not possible, CO₂ emissions should be reduced as much as possible. LCC offsets unavoidable emissions through Gold Standard climate protection projects.

LCC Business Travel offices help

We already take environmental aspects into account when planning your trip and event and support you in selecting ecologically sustainable hotels, event locations and means of transportation. This eliminates the time-consuming research effort for you.

We also advise you on how you can avoid or reduceCO₂ emissions on your business trips and support you with CO₂ balancing and CO₂ offsetting to the highest required standards. On request, Lufthansa City Center can take care of the entire process for corporate customers, from calculating CO₂ emissions to issuing donation receipts.

Our offer: Your advantages

Reporting and compensation

We provide you with detailed, clear and transparent lists of your emissions from all areas of business travel. Calculation (GHG, GRI, ICAO, DEFRA and VFU as well as according to VDR) and compensation (certified according to the highest UN standards (CDM) and Gold) are carried out according to recognized international standards.

You will receive a donation receipt and certificate. Communication material is freely available.

Your advantages at a glance
  • Correct allocation of emissions and costs through complete recording of all business travel areas
  • Identification and development of potential savings
  • Long-term comparability thanks to consistent methodology and global applicability
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions caused by business travel
  • CSR and branding
  • Credible climate protection and promotion of sustainable development (SDGs)
CO₂ balancing

For Lufthansa City Center, the strict standards of the German Travel Management Association (VDR) are the benchmark. This allows the CO₂ emissions to be precisely balanced, compared and categorized and presented in the sustainability report. In this way, not only flights, but also cars, trains, hotels and events are recorded.